Thursday, March 09, 2006

Deepwood Drummer and Singing Tree

I've had a bunch of stuff that I've wanted to blog about, but never got around to it. Oh well, I guess I'll write more later if I have the time and motivation. Firstly, what I wanted to do is see how my last two spins of the Divining Top went:

Got two midterms back today
1) CS 436 Distributed Computer Systems
Predicted Mark: 65% - 85%
Actual Mark: 78%

Okay, so I had a really big prediction range here. :P Well, I wasn't really sure how much I had to write for a lot of questions...and so I didn't know if I would be getting full marks for them. Also, I almost ran out of time near the end, so a lot of thigns were rushed, and I wasn't sure how much part marks I'd be getting for some of the more significant question near the end. It turns out that I ended up losing marks mainly for forgetting some details, lost about 3 marks for misterpreting an ambiguous question about TCP commmunication schemas, and 8 marks 'cause I didn't study how to calculate a checksum. All in all though, I think I got a bit better than the mark I deserved. I'm not doing that well in the course though, I tanked all of assignment 1 and most of assignment 2...and assignments are worth 25%. I should try to stop slacking and attempt to get more motivated...even if I do have "a lot of other stuff to do."

2) CS 338 Computer Applications in Business: Databases
Predicted Mark: 55% - 75%
Actual Mark: 85%!!!

Finally...I wrote this exam like... the week before reading week lol. And I finally got it back today...and man, they were really really REALLY generous on a lot of the SQL questions. After I checked the notes once I finished writing the midterm, I figured that I'd get 0 for some of my SQL queries, but I guess the prof was more accepting of pseudocode than I thought. I mainly only lost marks due to forgetting definitions, and a mark or a half on forgetting a few tiny details that I didn't feel were worth arguing about. (such as whether or not you had to explicitly include a "Street" attribute for an "Address" entity, even though the question didn't exaclty say that they had one. I think that the markers were very lenient in general though. What this means for me is that all I need to do now to pass the course is pass the final. I can ignore all the rest of the assignments because of the prof's "best of" marking scheme, which will allow me to just use the midterm and final to calculate my mark. Given my mark on the midterm then, even if I only get 50% on the final, which I have to pass, I'll end up with a 60% overall in the course. So good haha.


So anyways, enough of that Top. Time to set a Pithing Needle to it. Yesterday, I went to worship cell, and Alex Langelo was there. Apparently, he's been very into music sine he was a child, and as such, he knew a thing or two about drumming and singing that he was willing to teach us. So the first half of worship cell was him instructing us on the basics of playing the djembe and the basics of singing. It was pretty embarassing for me, 'cause I suck at singing, and I'm not a good drummer at all even though I'd already had lessons from Alex in an earlier meeting of worship cell. :P When I was younger, I had to be part of a choir in my elementry school, and a bunch of people in my class made fun of me while I was singing, saying that I had a bad voice and etc. I guess those negative thoughts have stuck with me through most of my life; even nowadays at church and etc, I find it really to just sing out to the best of my ability. I always hold back.

As we were going around practicing the first part of the chorus of "Here I Am To Worship" a lot of people were struggling to get what Alex was trying to impart on us, mostly due to the fact that the majority of us had never had any real vocal traning. When he got to me, Alex was like, "You're only using 10% of your volume, you need to give your voice more support when you sing, man." and I replied "I know, I'll try." I guess hopefully, in time, I'll get over my pyschological fear and be able to sing properly. I'm getting a bit better at djembe though...and I'm feeling bold enough to maybe try and play it for worship during next week's CCF. It would the first time that I really did worship leading at all. Though later I found out that next Friday is also going to be a Bible study, which means I'd have to be prepared for that too. It feels like it would be a lot of responsibility to have to do worship AND Bible Study leading on the same night, I have enough stress leading Bible studies as it is. :P But, well, if Betty can do it, then maybe I can too haha. I guess I better ask Chris what he thinks...


Ambrose said...

Oooo vocal training, I'd like some vocal training =p

I've found that I sing best when I'm alone, ha ha.

Basically it's the "if a tree falls and no one is there, is there a sound" kind of deal. No one is around, so I don't have to worry about screwing up or sounding bad. But since I'm less uptight it helps me sing better heh. Also, since no one is there I can make attempts at "reaching", or trying to hit difficult notes. If in the presence of friends I'd probably be more conservative and just false setto it.

Psychologically speaking though, if I absolutely don't care what other ppl's reactions are, I'd think I'd be able to sing the same anywhere. However, I am a bit cautions about killing other ppl's eardrums, hence I usually don't try to sing sing unless in a karaoke setting (and I don't sing sing any English songs, Karaoke Revolution doesn't help).

transcendent said...

Haha. Your falsetto is actually pretty good, from what I can tell :)

Unknown said...

I like to sing and hum when I'm alone too, but lately I've been singing more around my family. Karaoke Revolution helps :) Not only for the singing, but also because it broadens my range and knowledge of different songs from different artists and genres..

Theomnifish said...

I used to really be afraid of singing, but in the past few years, I guess I've gotten more bold. I'd have to say Karaoke Revolution has helped me in that regard, though I probably am still as bad as I was back when I was in elementry school. :P

Jason Yu said...

Good job on the midterms! Neat how you link ordinary nouns like 'drummer' to Magic cards now :)

Theomnifish said...

Thanks sir! hehe

I only linked those nouns mainly 'cause they're the two phrases in the post title. I think I'll do that for the rest of the case someone hasn't noticed the theme of my post titles yet.

Theomnifish said...

LOL...I guess that's true sir.

"Shout to, the North and the South! Sing to, the East and the West!..."